• Acupuncture for Mental Health

  • These days, nearly all of us are finding the need to tend to our mental health as much as our physical health. The last few years of the pandemic have had us all on edge – constantly adapting to an ever-changing terrain, seemingly endless bad news on TV and in media, and having to find the time and energy to take care of ourselves, our families, our loved ones all the same. It is easy to feel like the dam is about to break.

    If you're struggling, we want to help

    Acupuncture has always been well-suited to treat mental health conditions. In Chinese Medicine, the body, mind, and spirit are considered to be one and indivisible. An issue in one place will affect the others.

    We often hear from our patients that acupuncture is like therapy. And while we encourage everyone who is interested to seek psychotherapy, acupuncture can serve a similar function either alone or alongside your regular therapy appointments. And these days, finding a mental health therapist can be a long and costly endeavor.

    We are pleased to be able to help our community suffering from depression, anxiety, overall life stress, and simply feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, fear, and worry. These symptoms can build up over time and seem impossible to overcome. We’re pleased to be able to help right away – within days and sometimes even same day – with services that are often covered by insurance and if not, we have low-cost options available.

    Our patients often remark that after beginning regular acupuncture treatment, they find that stressful situations no longer affect them the same way. “That would have REALLY bothered me before!” Finding new ways to broaden our shoulders when the burden increases helps us to feel like even when we have more to do, harder decisions to make, less resources available, we have the strength and clarity to not just get through it, but to thrive.

    Our practitioners will be your cheerleaders, and it’s common to form a deep bond over time with your provider. We want to get to know you deeply so that we can help everything move forward for you in the most profound ways. We’ve got a selection of therapies for you that are all-natural, side-effect free, and truly, deeply effective.

    If you are struggling, please don’t wait any longer. Have a look at our different options and reach out to us today.

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